Relaxing with a "moon tan" is a great way to unwind and spend time with family and friends. Imagine a picnic at night and lots of conversation. The full moon gives off good natural light, especially in open spaces like parks, making it an ideal time to gather at night. Alternative activities include walking, jogging or swimming.
Watch Your Cats &Dogs
Although this one's more practical, cat and dog owners should be alert during the full moon. A study by veterinarian Raegan Wells of Colorado State University's College of Veterinary Medicine reveals a link between an increase in hospital visits of cats and dogs and the lunar cycle. According to the study, dogs and cats are 29 percent more likely to visit the vet when the moon is at its fullest or close to this period. Emergencies can be anything from seizures and fighting injuries to cardiac arrest.
The Moon Goddess
During the full moon, women can sit back and rejoice. In some ancient cultures, the sun was equated with male gods, while the female was represented by the moon. Ancient Egyptians worshiped Isis the goddess of motherhood, fertility and magic. In Incan mythology, Mama Quilla was goddess of the moon, marriage and menstrual cycle and was considered the protector of women. So if you're a woman, throw a women's only get-together -- allow the men to come back when sun comes back around the next day.
Howl at the Moon
According to folklore, shape-shifters, like werewolves, draw their power from the moon during its fullest and transform into beasts. Supernatural creatures, like witches and vampires, become more dangerous under the influence of the full moon. To celebrate this, have fun and prank somebody. Halloween only happens once a year, but the full moon happens every 28 days. Throw a werewolf party if you dare; you can even howl at the moon. Just remember, if you wander off too far, you might have a tough time explaining what's going on to the police.