Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish
There are several species of reptiles, amphibian and fish that are either threatened or endangered. The threatened species are the spotfin chub, the Waccama silverside, the loggerhead sea turtle, the American alligator, the green sea turtle and the bog turtle. The endangered species are the leatherback sea turtle, the hawksbill turtle, the Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, the shortnose sturgeon, the Cape Fear shiner and the Roanoke logperch.
In North Carolina, there are both aquatic and land-based mammals that have become endangered. Although there are no species of mammal on the threatened animal list, there are many species on the endangered list. These are the red wolf, the West Indian manatee, the Eastern cougar, the Indiana bat, the gray bat, the Carolina Northern flying squirrel, the humpback whale, the finback whale, the sei whale, the sperm whale, the right whale and the Virginia big-eared bat.
Insects, Spiders, Snails and Mussels
Among insects, spiders, snails and mussels, there is just one threatened species -- the noonday globe. Sadly, there are many more endangered species than there are threatened ones. They are the spruce-fir moss spider, the Saint Francis' satyr butterfly, the James spinymussel, the littlewing pearlymussel, the dwarf wedgemussel, the Carolina heelsplitter, the Appalachian elktoe, the Cumberland bean pearlymussel, the oyster mussel, the tar spinymussel and the tan rifleshell.
As with mammals in North Carolina, there are no species of bird on the state's threatened list, but there are are several which have been listed as endangered. The list of endangered birds includes the red-cockaded woodpecker, the wood stork, the bald eagle, the roseate tern, the piping plover, the ivory-billed woodpecker, the Kirtland's warbler and the Bachman's warbler.