Find straight, yellow birch branches at least 4 feet long with no wood knots. Soak the branches in water for half an hour to loosen the bark.
Strip the bark off the branches to make 4 foot long, 3/8-inch wide strips. Bundle the strips together in bunches of six and tie each bundle together at the top with another strip of bark.
Place the bundles of bark in a container of water until you are ready to use them. This will keep them soft and workable.
Twist one bundle of branches together tightly. Tie the string around a board or branch, leaving one end free. Repeat this process with two more bundles of branches.
Cross the twisted right strand to the left, over the other two strands. Repeat this process, taking the right strand and crossing it over the other two strands to make a tight rope. Wind the branch or board around to coil up completed rope as you work further down the strands.
Tie a knot at the end of the rope to prevent it from unraveling.