Buy a nursing bottle for pets from a pet store. Choose one with the smallest nipple available. Alternatively, some stores stock the elongated nipples made by PetAg, which are ideal for squirrel feeding.
Practice with the bottle by expressing liquid into a cup. It is important to be able to control the flow as the squirrel may either frantically suck at the liquid -- and risk inhaling fluid into his lungs -- or be too weak to efficiently suck, in which case liquid must be dripped into his mouth.
Initially give the infant squirrel a warmed rehydration formula, such as Pedialyte, a solution made for human babies. It is important to rehydrate the squirrel before milk is offered, otherwise the squirrel's body may be unable to digest the milk solids. According to Orphaned Wildlife Care ( this can cause debilitating diarrhea and even death.
Fill the bottle with warmed rehydration solution. Rest the nipple on the roof of the squirrel's mouth so its tongue has room to move.
Feed the squirrel with rehydration solution every 30 minutes until the squirrel produces lots of light yellow urine when stimulated. Alternatively, slightly pinch the skin between the squirrel's shoulder blades. If the skin returns to its original position quickly after being released, then the baby is rehydrated.
Fill the bottle partially with a warmed puppy milk replacement formula, such as Esbilac, Nurtural or Just Born. Most require mixing two parts powder with three parts water. For the first two feedings, fill the bottle with one-quarter formula and three-quarters rehydration solution. For the next few feedings, use half formula and half rehydration solution. For the following few feedings, fill the bottle with three-quarters formula and one-quarter rehydration solution. After this, the rehydration solution can be eliminated.