Things You'll Need
Locate a mature, large deciduous tree greater than 12 inches in diameter, preferably on the perimeter of your property (Great Horned Owls are more likely to nest where there is less human activity). Identify a crotch in the tree, a naturally occurring split in the trees' trunk, that is more than 15 feet off the ground.
Cut the chicken wire with the wire cutters from one corner to the center (be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands). Overlap the two cut edges to form the shape of a cone. Bend the overlapped wire edges inward to secure the cone shape.
Cut a drain hole that is approximately 1 inch wide in the bottom of the chicken wire cone using the wire cutters.
Cut the tarpaper with the scissors from one corner to the center. Form it into a cone shape and place the tarpaper cone inside the chicken wire cone. Cut a 1 inch drain hole in the tar paper that aligns with the hole you cut in the chicken wire.
Place enough small sticks and branches into the nest to completely pad the bottom of the cone. Wrap the wire around the branches and poke it through the tarpaper. Twist the ends of the exposed wire into the chicken wire cone.
Climb the ladder and place the nest in the tree crotch. Weave the wire into the sides of the chicken wire cone. Wrap the wire ends around the tree trunk, so the nest is firmly secured to the tree.