Neurotoxic venom is designed to affect the central nervous system of a prey animal, which can sometimes lead to seizures and death. This neurotoxic venom is injected into the prey through hollow fangs and with a quick strike. The venom helps the snake digest the prey while also paralyzing the prey and stopping its heart or respiratory system.
Humans are much larger than the rodents that rattlesnake venom can quickly kill. Rattlesnake venom is not strong enough to cause respiratory or cardiac arrest in humans. However, small children and those with weak immune systems can have a stronger reaction to a rattlesnake bite. Neurotoxic venom usually can lead to swelling and numbness and paralysis at the bite site, because it interrupts the transmission of nerve signals through the body near the bite location. This can also lead to tissue damage and gangrene at the bite site.
The majority of venomous snakes in the United States are pit vipers, which include rattlesnakes and water moccasins. According to the FDA, less than 1 percent of the 8,000 people bitten by a venomous snake each year die as a result of the bite.
Juvenile rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adult rattlesnakes because they have the same amount of potent venom, but less control over how much they deliver. While adult rattlesnakes can bite and not inject venom, juvenile or baby rattlesnakes are more likely to deliver a maximum dose in a bite.
Antivenin is the antidote to a snake bite. It is made using the venom from the snake. This venom is injected into horses, who have natural immunity to the venom. The antibodies produced by the horses are what make antivenin, which is available throughout the United States in hospitals in areas where rattlesnakes live. The antivenin is polyvalent, which means that the antivenin can be used for all pit viper species in the Americas and some in Asia. This is unique because for most other snake species, the antivenin must be specific to the exact species and this can make it difficult to get treatment if the snake species is unknown.