Beach Keepsakes
A day at the beach is a memorable event, and you can take a creative keepsake of those memories home with you with a few craft supplies. Encourage kids to explore the beach area and collect bits of natural beauty such as driftwood and seashells. At the end of the day, dig a shallow hole into the ground in the size and shape desired for a keepsake piece of artwork. Place your found objects in the hole in your desired design. Try spelling out words like "sunshine" in shells or creating an abstract image of the seaside with your found items. Sprinkle sand on top of the pieces and fill the rest of the hole with plaster of paris. When the plaster has dried, pull it out of the makeshift mold for a one-of-a-kind keepsake.
Mud Pies
Mud pies are another outdoor activity for children. Mix sand, dirt and water to make an ideal consistency for baking some messy pies. Provide pie tins and other molds to shape the pies. Let the kids go crazy squishing and molding the soft mud. Toppings such as grass clippings, flowers, pebbles and other found items can be used to decorate the pies. Set the finished pieces out in the hot summer sun to bake.
Water Adventures
When weather warms up, the bathtub doesn't have to be the only place for water play. Add bath bubbles to an outdoor kiddie pool for a playful twist. Encourage lots of splashing and frolicking that isn't allowed in the ordinary bathtub. If kids don't want to get completely submerged, set up a water table instead. Use blocks and toy boats to set up waterways, locks, waterfalls and other features.
Confetti Fun
Around the Fourth of July, kids may be begging to set off colorful fireworks. To avoid this dangerous activity, provide explosive fun with confetti instead. Fill balloons with glitter and colorful confetti for a wild fanfare when they're popped. Assemble a collection of confetti poppers and launchers as well. Gather the adults to watch the show and encourage the kids to toss as much sparkling glitter and confetti as their hearts desire in a patriotic display.