Two species of crayfish from the Cambarus genus are native to Michigan. Cambarus Diogenes is commonly known as the Devil Crayfish. This crayfish has gills under its body and is usually olive or tan. It digs and lives in cone-shaped burrows deep in the ground. Its burrows are up to 3 feet deep to reach water tables. Cambarus Robustus, or the Big River Crayfish, is one of the larger species of crayfish in North America. Its habitat includes Michigan rivers, where it tends to live under large, flat rocks.
Freshwater crayfish of the Orconectes genus are primarily found in eastern North America. Four crayfish from this genus are native to Michigan and prefer similar habits, including warm and rocky streams, ponds, lakes, marshes and ditches. Orconectes Propinquus, or the Northern Clearwater Crayfish, is a small species of crayfish, colored brown-green with a wide, dark streak down its abdomen. Orconectes Immunis, also known as the Papershell Crayfish and the Calico Crayfish, is larger than the Northern Clearwater Crayfish but still small, slender and fragile-looking. It is olive-green to brown in color. Orconectes Rusticus is a medium or larger crayfish. It is commonly called the Rusty Crayfish due to the rusty spots present on its body. Its appearance is mostly brown with green claws. Orconectes Virilis, also known as the Northern Crayfish or Virile Crayfish, is another larger variety of Orconectes crayfish found in Michigan. It is olive-brown or reddish-brown in color.
Fallicambarus Fodiens
Fallicambarus Fodiens is a burrowing species dark brown to red-olive brown in color. These crayfish are sometimes referred to as Digger Crayfish. This species is distributed throughout most parts of North America. Semi-terrestrial, the Digger Crayfish can live in and out of water, but most often is found in deep burrows in marshlands with clay soils.
Procambarus Acutus Acutus
Known as the White River Crayfish, Procambarus Acutus Acutus is a highly adaptable crayfish. It is capable of living in a variety of environments, including lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks, roadside ditches and burrows. Burrowing is most common in colder months to avoid freezing. Adult White River Crayfish are a deep burgundy color and have a black "V" shape on their abdomens.