Jumping Spiders
Jumping spider species are classified as harmless. Like every spider alive, they will bite when threatened or cornered; however, their venom is categorized as non-toxic to humans. These spiders can be found inside the house or outside in their preferred habitat: open wooded areas. They do not make webs, but instead prefer to, as their name implies, jump on unsuspecting prey. Only then do they bite it to feed. There are at least 5,000 species of jumping spiders worldwide. Some species found in Vinton and throughout Louisiana are the Hentz Jumping Spider and Tan Jumping Spider.
Dangerous Spiders
Dangerous spiders live in Vinton and throughout Louisiana. They are the brown recluse, the black widow,and the brown widow. The black widow and brown widow spiders are related, though the brown widow prefers a more tropical climate. Scientists believe that it arrived from cargo in those areas and has migrated from both California and Florida into Louisiana to spread. One reason for the spread of these and other spiders may be because of warmer temperatures in the United States opening new areas for them to colonize, according to the Science Daily website. The two widows look remarkably similar except for their coloration and their egg sacs. The brown recluse can be equally dangerous. Also called the fiddle-back spider, because of a fiddle shape near its head, the brown recluse has a painful bite that can lead to other complications. All three of these spiders prefer covered areas for their webs, and they can be found outside or indoors.
House Spiders
Another common spider to see in Vinton is the house spider. It, too, can bite but is classified as harmless. Most spiders, these included, will run for cover when disturbed. Whenever webs fill the ceilings, window frames or other out-of-the-way places in a home, the culprit is almost certainly a house spider. This is not to be confused with the many different spiders that can and will come indoors during the fall and winter months. The most common is the American house spider. Though related to the black widow, it is not dangerous. Comb-clawed spiders and Triangulate Ccobweb spiders can also be found indoors.
Other Spiders
Some other common spiders that could be found in and around Vinton, Louisiana, include the following: orb weavers, such as the Cribellate, arrowhead, basilica, labyrinthine, marbled, six-spotted, spiny-backed, spotted and trashline orb weaver, as well as the arrow-shaped Micrathena spider; garden spiders, most commonly the yellow or yellow-and-black garden spider and Venusta orchard spider; funnel webs (not to be confused with the Australian, highly toxic kind, and grass spiders. Many other families exist, including crab spiders, lynx spiders, bowl and doily weavers, ground crab spiders, long-bodied cellar spiders (the "daddy long legs" that is not the harvestman), parson spiders, sac spiders, spined micrathena spiders and the intimidating wolf spiders.