Things You'll Need
Check all federal, state and local laws to determine if trapping is legal. If permits or tags are needed, purchase them from your local hunting and fishing store.
Purchase a live trap. Live trapping is a humane method of removing unwanted wildlife. Once trapped, the nuisance animal can be removed to an alternative location. Beware of cheap traps. Often the cheap traps allow the animal to escape.
Locate the beaver's den. It is not uncommon for a beaver to create its den underground. An underground den can be distinguished by a large burrowed hole. This hole is generally located near a water source, such as a pond, stream or river.
Prepare the environment. Wildlife are constantly aware of changes in their surroundings. Slowly introduce the live traps to the environment. Scatter small portions of bait around the trapping site. Continue sample baiting for a few days. A great beaver bait is twigs and sticks sprinkled with beaver castor.
Refer to the assembly and operating instructions included with the live trap.
Place the live trap just outside the beaver's hole. At first, bait the trap with the door wired open. This allows the beaver to come and go from the cage.
Rebait the trap once the beaver has freely entered and exited the trap.
Relocate and release the trapped beaver to an alternative environment.