Things You'll Need
Listen to verified swallow calls online at Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Macaulay Library or Bird Calls and Songs. The standard swallow bird call sounds like a soft, rapid "vwit-vwit."
Record the swallow call or mimic it with your Audubon bird call. An Audubon bird call is a small object with a wooden cylinder with a pewter piece inside. By rubbing the wood and pewter together, the friction produces a variety of chirping and warbling sounds. It is easier to record the calls or mimic them with a bird call than to attempt to mimic the sounds with your own voice.
Stand in a clear area near a water source and play your recording or use the bird call. Avoid calling the swallows with high-pitched alarms or raspy aggression calls. A medium-pitched "vwit-vwit" should suffice.