Cities Near Charles River
The Algonquins named the Charles River "Quinobeguin" which meant "meandering." English explorer Captain John Smith named the river for King Charles. The Charles River, at 80 miles long, is the longest river in Massachusetts. Its watershed encompasses all or part of 30 municipalities. The residents and properties of the lower Charles are often on alert when flooding occurs. Waltham, Dover and Medfield are most affected.
Cities Near Merrimack River
It is speculated by many historians that the Merrimack River was once named by the Algonquin Indians "merruh auke" meaning "place of strong current." The Merrimack River is the fourth largest watershed in New England. It flows south through central New Hampshire for 78 miles into Massachusetts, and continues southeast before turning near the city of Lowell. It continues 44 miles to Massachusett's northshore into the city of Newburyport before emptying into the Atlantic ocean. The Merrimack River watershed drainage area affects 24 Massachusetts municipalities. Cities along the Merrimack River flood most often. They are Haverhill, Lowell, Lawrence and North Andover.
Cities Near Westfield River
In 1993, 43 miles of The Westfield River was designated Massachusetts' first "National Wild and Scenic River." Westfield River's watershed covers over 330,000 acres of land in Massachusetts. Rising along the eastern slopes of the Berkshires, it flows south through rural communities and into urban areas. The western Massachsuetts' cities along the Westfield River of Westfield, Holyhoke and Springfiled are most affected by flooding.
Cities Near Sudbury Valley Rivers
The Sudbury Valley River system comprises the Concord, Assabet and Sudbury Rivers in central Massachusetts. This river's region is considered one of the most historically significant, culturally rich and scenic in New England. The Sudbury-Assabet-Concord watershed includes a network of tributaries that flow into the Merrimack River. The Assabet River begins in Westborough and flows north for 30 miles. Cities most affected by floods are Northborough, Hudson, and Maynard. The river system continues though to the city of Concord where the Concord River begins. It flows into the Sudbury River that also began in Westborough. They both join in Concord, a city prone to flooding. Other cities most affected by flooding are Wayland and Saxonfield along the Sudbury River.