Process of Reproduction
One of the biggest advantages of conifers that has allowed them to survive for millions of years is their ability to produce cones. Most plants reproduce through flowers and fruits, needing the help of insects and other animals to pollinate. Conifers do not need other living creatures to germinate; instead, they just harness the wind to pollinate their ovules. Their cones are also sturdy and have been biologically designed to release germinated seeds only when the right weather conditions arise. Some conifers do not open up their germinated cones for months and even years unless the tree "feels" the weather condition, making it possible for its seeds to grow.
Most conifers can produce both male and female cones; a typical conifer produces more male cones than female ones. Conifers do this to ensure that there is enough pollen released in the wind so that the female cones will germinate. Once the pollen reaches the ovules, the female cone allows the ovules to develop to produce germinated seeds. Germinated seeds often develop feather-like extensions to allow the wind to carry it easily. Once the tree feels the right weather conditions, the female cone opens up and releases the germinated seeds. If the wind is strong enough, some seeds can travel several miles before landing.
Like most plants, conifer seeds need to be on the ground to grow. As with most living things, the early stages of life are the most crucial. In this stage, the conifer concentrates on growing its trunk, needles and roots. All other biological processes -- such as cone production -- are suspended. Because conifers have needles instead of leaves, they have a better chance of survival than most plants, because these needles have waxy coatings that preserve moisture, avoiding desiccation in even the harshest weather. Most conifers can also preserve their needles in winter, allowing them to store energy and be ready for the sun when it arrives.
Excellent Vascular Structure
Aside from its unique leaves and reproduction process, the vascular structure of conifers is also advantageous. Vascular plants have tissues that circulate nutrients all over the plant's system, allowing the conifer to grow healthy and strong. This vascular structure allows conifers to grow tall and maintain large trunks.