Wild Persimmon
This fruit tree can be found in most of the eastern and central United States. The fruit is orange colored and appears in mid fall, prime season being November, but the fruit can stay on the tree branches as late as December and even January. Texas region has a Black Persimmon species that can be picked as early as July and September.
Heart-Leaf Nettle
The nettle plant is recognized world wide as an extremely nutritious and useful herb. The species native to North America is know as the Heart-leaf nettle due to the shape of its leafs. As other nettle plants, this species also can be used to treat painful muscles and joints, as well treat urinary tract infections. The nettle's prime characteristic is that most varieties have a irritating chemicals on fine hairs on their leaves that will sting skin on contact, producing a painful, but quite temporary sensation.
Texas Barberry
Barberry is an attractive bush that blooms with bright yellow flowers that bloom as early as February and till early April. In early summer, the flowers will produce small berry fruit that will change colors from green to red as it ripens. These berries are considered some of the best jelly making berries in the state of Texas. Be cautions when picking these as the bush is an evergreen shrub, full of leaves with several sharp spikes.
Picking Edible Plants
Always be very cautious when looking for edible plants in any forest. Misidentification of any plant or berry may lead to poisoning. It is best to gather edible plants in the Piney Woods with a professional who is well trained in the knowledge of both edible and toxic local plants.