Green Technology
Green technology is a topic that may resonate with a lot of people listening to the speech. This is because the technology not only promotes environmental conservation but also promotes job growth. Green technology is a term that covers an array of economic changes to a nation's energy and job infrastructure to create jobs that promote environmental sustainability. For example, a country that promotes wind energy over coal-burning electricity not only is shifting an environmental impact, it is promising that jobs are going to be available in the field of wind power. Politicians or activists can focus a speech on how green investments, like wind farms that need engineers or biotech energy plants that need scientists, not only conserve natural resources but invest in creating more jobs for future generations.
The general health and well-being of citizens is a topic that all people can understand. Making the connection between health and conservation, a speaker can state how the rapid pollution and destruction of ecosystems negatively impact human health. For example, toxins in soil or the ocean contaminate water and food supplies. Deforestation disrupts ecosystem habitats, which negatively impacts food supplies, increases soil erosion and hinders clean air supplies. A politician or activist needs to connect how conservation allows for an entire ecosystem to thrive.
Cultural Rights
Land is used not just for survival but also for cultural and spiritual reasons. Indigenous peoples across the world, such as the Garifuna people in Belize, have spiritual rituals that are associated with land. Respecting these communities and their religious and cultural rights are an avenue for many activists. Conservation also has cultural aspects in the form of eco-tourism. People enjoy being able to walk through ecosystems and enjoy nature's bounty. An activist needs to connect with people's emotions over the fact that an entire group of people, such as the Garifuna, cannot enjoy their basic rights of religious and cultural expression if land is either taken away from them by governments or if their land is destroyed through pollution or deforestation.
Climate Change
Although it may be a politically loaded term, climate change could be addressed as a conservation topic. Scientific facts, such as how permafrost across the world is melting at abnormal rates and how the oceans are experiencing unsustainable levels of acidification, can be addressed. A speaker can make the connection that conservation efforts (such as more sustainable energies that don't emit carbon gases), minimize the impact of climate change. There may also be discussion on current human consumption rates, which can lead toward stronger recycling standards and energy sustainability. Speaking about how the planet is shifting toward an environmental situation that cannot sustain the current human lifestyle may influence people's opinion about conservation efforts.