Much of Earth's biodiversity is being irreversibly lost to extinction. While extinctions have occurred throughout the earth's history, the rate by which they now occur has increased to more than 1,000 times that before humans appeared on the planet. In their landmark book, "Biodiversity," E.O. Wilson and Frances M. Peter estimate that of the 1.4 million known species, we lose one out of every 1,000 each year to extinction. In this country, the U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service takes the lead in preventing extinctions through administration of the Endangered Species Act. The service's work in safeguarding endangered species depends on the efforts its partners, including other agencies, conservation organizations and concerned citizens, help with local recovery efforts by reporting endangered species sightings.
Launch the U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service's Endangered Species Program website (
Click "What We Do" in the menu bar. Click "Recovery."
Follow the link for "how you can help" at the bottom of the page.
Enter either the species common name or scientific name in the text boxes provided (e.g., grizzly bear). Click the "Run Report" button at the bottom of the page.
Call the phone number listed in the "Plan Lead Office (FWS)" column on the far right. Provide as many details as possible about the sighting. Examples include date and time of the sighting, location, number of individuals and estimated age of the individual(s). If you were able to photograph the endangered species, the office may ask that you send an image electronically or via land mail.