Things You'll Need
Make a list of the three biomes in the movie: The savannah, the desert and the rainforest. Place each name at the top of a sheet of paper.
Make five columns on each sheet of paper. Write the following headings for each column: "decomposer," "producer," "herbivore," "carnivore" and "omnivore."
Watch the movie. As each animal appears on the screen, write the animal in the proper column. For example, the lions are carnivores, list lions in the carnivore column. Write each animal on the proper biome sheet. Add the predominant plants of each biome. There will be unfamiliar animals. List them on a separate sheet of paper and look them up after the movie.
Draw or glue pictures of the animals in that biome on each sheet of poster board. For example, list all of the savannah animals on one sheet of poster board and all the desert animals on another. Label each animal with the species and its position on the food web.
Link all the participants in the biome together by what each creature eats. Staple one end of yarn to a producer on the chart. Link the producer to an herbivore, carnivore or omnivore and decomposer. Continue until all the living things are linked in the food web.
Repeat a poster for each biome.