The Evergold sedge is officially called the Carex hachijoensis. The sedge is a cool season plant that needs an above average amount of water. Sedges bloom in the beginning of spring or at the start of fall when temperatures are under 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They grow from 8 to 18 inches in height with about 12 to 16 inches in space between each. Sedges grow upright with evergreen leathery leaves and a sunny cream-colored stripe down the middle.
Carex Evergold
The Carex evergold is slightly different from the sedge; it's officially known as the Carex oshimensis. The plant grows low with leaves that usually grow to be 10 inches long. The Carex evergold usually grows with five to 10 others that are spaced 2 feet apart. They have an overall height and width of 12 inches. The arching leaves have a large creamy yellow stripe down the center giving them an overall golden color.
Orange Sedge
The orange sedge, officially known as the Carex testacea. The orange sedge does not live through the winter unless the temperatures stay above zero degrees unlike other sedges that survive cold winters. The orange sedge will turn orange, bronze or brown when the weather cools. They grow to be 12 to 16 inches in height with 12 to 15 inches of spacing between plants. The orange sedge blooms during the spring and fall seasons and can survive on a normal amount of water.
Forsythia X Intermedia
Forsythia X intermedia is a cross bred plant that developed into an evergold plant. These plants grow to be very tall at 6 to 8 feet with a spread of 6 to 9 feet between plants. The leaves are bright green with a touch of a bright yellow color. The Forsythia X intermedia plant requires much sun to grow and look its best and needs a moderate to above moderate amount of water.