Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction or parthenogenesis occurs when part of the parent breaks away and develops into a fully functioning adult. This is a natural form of cloning. Asexual reproduction results in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. When a paramecium divides, it is using asexual reproduction through regeneration. Many botanists plant a cut sprig to create new trees or shrubs that produce identical fruit or blossoms as the parent.
Pros and Cons of Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction works well for smaller organisms. Their small size and limited development mean they lack sexual organs. The simple nature of single cell DNA mean that only small portions of genetic material are copied when the organism splits. But asexual reproduction has limitations as well. Environmental influences cause tiny mistakes or mutations in the DNA. Any mistakes in the genetic code copy for the offspring. As generations pass, mutations add up and may ultimately result in offspring that cannot survive.
Sexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction is much more complex than asexual. Inside both the male and female organs of the organism, meiosis breaks down a cell of the parent, splitting the DNA pairs in half, resulting in a gamete with half the DNA of the parent. The male gamete or sperm unites with the female gamete or egg and the DNA combines providing the offspring with a full complement of genetic material. Depending on the organism, the offspring then develop in a seed, egg or uterus.
Pros and Cons of Sexual Reproduction
Sexual reproduction results in the most varied offspring. Genetic differences between the male and female of any species mean that the offspring differs slightly from both parents. Mutations abound in sexual reproduction. However, many of these mutations are slight such as color or size. Different colored offspring may or may not offer a better chance for the species to survive. Sexual reproduction ultimately results in evolution. Studies at MIT on specific Candida genetic lines showed that the organisms evolved to the point where they no longer responded to conventional medication.