Why Floods Occur
A flood, which is the most common natural disaster in the nation, is the covering of normally dry land with water. This occurs when bodies of water, such as rivers and lakes, are unable to support any additional water; this excess must encroach upon land as a result. This can occur when events such as heavy rain or melting snow occur in an already water-saturated area. Low-lying areas are especially susceptible to flooding. The abnormally high tides associated with hurricanes as well as tsunamis can also cause flooding in areas along the coast.
Effect of Humans
The activities of civilization also contribute to flood occurrence. Forests are beneficial for limiting the potential damage of floods. They not only slow the movement of excess water but also absorb a substantial amount of this runoff. Deforestation takes away this natural barrier to flood damage. Destruction of the forests for the purpose of expanding human construction, such as covering the land with cement, prevents water absorption.
Flash Floods
You've probably seen news reports warning of the potential for flash flooding in your area. Flash floods are simply floods that occur in a short amount of time, ranging from just minutes to a few hours. If the ground is already saturated when a long or intense rainfall occurs, flooding can occur quickly. Failure of flood barriers, such as dams and levees, can also cause instant flooding. Flash floods can reach depths of 30 feet and cause a considerable amount of damage. They also cause the most flooding deaths.
Safety Precautions
While warning is not always available, particularly in the event of barrier failure, there are things that can be done to reduce your risks during a flood. Staying alert during storms and other weather events is important. While knowing if there are any flood warnings in your area is essential, you should also be familiar with any water bodies that are prone to flooding near your home. If evacuation is necessary, unplug electrical items and cut off power to your home; however, never attempt to touch electrical items if you are already wet. If you have time, move valuable items to the highest location in your home. Never put saving items before your safety.