Things You'll Need
Visit areas such as gardens, parks and farmland during the summer months to look for robins. These birds primarily feed on worms and will be attracted to grassy areas where they are able to hunt. Visit wooded areas during winter months as robins will feed on berries that they find there when other food sources are scarce. Take a pair of binoculars or a camera with a zoom lens with you when you are birdwatching as this will enable you to inspect the robins more closely. Record your sightings in a notebook to allow you to revisit areas where you know robins are present.
Attract robins to your backyard by providing a suitable environment. Plant a lawn as this will attract robins when they are looking for food. Keep the lawn moist during hot summer months so that worms are more likely to inhabit the area. Plant several fruit trees and berry bushes in your garden; robins will also be attracted to these as an alternative source of food, especially in winter months. Avoid using any form of pesticide on the plants in your garden as this can be extremely harmful to birds, including robins, according to
Provide a birdbath. This will attract a number of birds to your backyard, including robins. Make your own birdbath by placing a shallow tray of water on a surface that is up off the ground to protect the birds from predators. Provide a bird table where robins can come to feed. This must also be raised up off the ground. Put out suitable foods for the robins such as grapes, seeds and live mealworms.