Things You'll Need
Check where a product, including food, timber and other goods, came from before buying it. Many of these items could have been made or harvested through rainforest deforestation. For example, hamburger beef sold at some fast food restaurants comes from cattle raised on deforested rainforest land. Wood flooring, firewood, picture frames, charcoal, coffee and cereal may also come from land that used to be a rainforrest. Check with the store manager or product's company to ensure it came from a sustainable source before purchasing it.
Recycle, reuse or donate products you already have instead of throwing them in the trash. It's estimated that 80 percent of household waste, including paper, glass, aluminum, garden waste and plastic bottles, can be recycled. Books and clothing can be recycled, too--although you can also donate them to others who can use them. Also, always use both sides of a piece of paper before tossing it in a recycling bin.
Share information about the harms of rainforest deforestation. If you have the means, travel to a rainforest's country to educate the people about the problems and show them alternative methods of farming and business, such as rotating crops or only cutting down adult trees. At home, you can get the word out to friends and organizations about the importance of recycling and buying products only from sustainable sources. Also, contact local and federal legislatures and encourage them to fight for the cause with ordinances and programs.
Support the efforts of nonprofit organizations fighting to stop rainforest deforestation. Friends of the Earth, for example, works with people around the globe to find solutions to deforestation problems and ways to enact those solutions. Greenpeace and Worldwide Fund for Nature are two other nonprofits working to end rainforest deforestation. Donate to or volunteer with one of these groups to further their efforts.
Buy some acres of rainforest and permanently protect it from deforestation. Some organizations, such as the World Land Trust, can help you purchase an acre of rainforest for less than $200. If you can't afford to buy an entire acre, fundraise with friends, co-workers and family members to raise money for the cause. Every acre purchased is one acre saved from deforestation.