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How to Identify Indoor Spiders

Most people identify spiders by their four pairs of legs, but distinguishing between species and even families can be difficult even for those familiar with these predators. Most spiders prefer outdoor habitats ranging from grass to trees to even water's edge. Some species, however, prefer the shelter of your home, and other species may just happen to wander inside. Learning to identify certain characteristics of your indoor, natural pest-control agents can help you identify at least which family the spider belongs to.


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      Study the spider as best you can. Note how it walks or runs, where it is in your house (on a wall, behind something, what room it's in), its color(s) and its markings. Common house spiders throughout the United States are generally easily identified by these characteristics:

      Yellow sac spiders, for example, are yellowish or pale in color, typically found on walls, and spin silk retreats, not webs, in corners.

      American house spiders are nocturnal and spin the webs that become cobwebs in room corners. They have bulbous bodies.

      The dangerous brown recluse prefers indoor habitats in areas such as bathrooms, behind furniture and in folded clothes or towels. They are typically light brown with a dark brown violin shape right behind their eyes.

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      Trap the spider under a clear cup or carefully pick it up with a tissue and place it in a clear container for closer observation. If you can, place an object -- such as a coin -- in the container with the spider to get a better idea of the spider's size.

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      Borrow a field guide or reference book on spiders from your local library. These books typically have photographs and detailed descriptions of different species. The photographic reference can aid you in identifying the spider, and if it's dangerous. In the United States, the black widow (range throughout most of the United States, more common in the South), brown recluse (range includes the southern Midwest and south-central states) and hobo spider (range includes Pacific Northwest and Northwest) are among the most dangerous spiders found indoors.

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      Search university, college and other educational websites for common house spiders. To do this, type "site:.edu common house spiders" in your favorite search engine. You can also get more specific by adding your state to the search. Educational websites typically have descriptions and even photographs to help you identify which spider you have.

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      Contact your local university extension service or the entomology department of a local university if you cannot identify the spider. In most cases, you can take the specimen into the extension office or entomology department for an entomology expert to identify.

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