Household Tool
Pocket knives operate as a versatile tool and perform a multitude of little tasks, such as peeling off the cellophane wrapping on a new CD, tearing open an express delivery package and prying lids off of cans. Pocket knives substitute for missing screwdrivers, scissors, and -- if you get really desperate -- even a can opener. As far as more traditional uses, pocket knives can cut wood, leather, rope and even food.
Pocket knives can cut, destroy and even defend, but they can be used as a creative tool as well. The main use of pocket knives as a creative tool has traditionally been with wood carving. Although they might not be as precise or easy to work with as gouges, chisels or drawknives, they are more versatile, as well as much easier to carry. The wide-area of the pocket knife works well for shaving, while the sharp point can carve out the details.
Camping and Fishing
Originally designed for the outdoors, a pocket knife fits perfect on fishing trips, serving as a handy and dependable camping and fishing companion. The many uses of a pocket knife in such outings include cutting lines and gutting fish. If you're camping, the pocket knife can help with creating kindling for a fire, preparing food, skinning hunted animals and carving out markers along a trail.
Handy Defensive Weapon
Despite its many uses, the pocket knife is still a weapon and should be treated as such. Easily concealed in pockets, bags and waist bands, the pocket knife can be used as a last resort in life or death situations.