Noise Level
The turning blades of wind turbines produce a low, persistent whirring noise that can be upsetting to communities near the farms. While some people don't mind the noise, other residents may find it irritating and file complaints. The noise the turbines create may even upset some farm animals.
Wind turbines can stand more than 650 feet tall and create an eyesore that can be seen for miles away. Typically built in rural areas, some feel the giant turbines detract from and destroy the natural beauty of the land. Since these farms spoil scenic views, there is a chance they could drive down the values of homes and other property that overlook them.
Wind farms and their access roads take up a lot of land -- approximately 60 acres just to produce one megawatt. This can make it challenging to find enough room to establish a wind farm. In addition, "Wind resource development may compete with other uses for land and those alternative uses may be more highly valued than electricity generation," according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
Wind turbines sometimes strike and kill birds who fly between the turning blades. The California Energy Commission has conducted several studies since the 1980s on the effects of wind turbines on birds. A 2000 study estimates that the 7,000 wind turbines in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area kill over 1,000 birds each year.
The wind needs to be more than 10 miles per hour over a prolonged period of time for wind turbines to efficiently create electricity, according to the independent wind energy information website This means that when the wind drops below 10 miles per hour, the wind farm produces little, if any, power. To meet the energy needs of cities and communities --- especially during peak hours --- power grid managers must supplement wind-generated power with other energy sources if the wind is blowing intermittently.
Wind turbines can disrupt television and radar reception. While the television inference causes inconvenience and annoyance, the radar inference can become a hazard for aircraft since they rely heavily on radar for navigation.