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How to Identify Mushrooms & Fungi

Mushrooms are a sometimes delicious and sometimes poisonous product of fungus. A mushroom contains spores which help spread a fungus by releasing the spores onto the ground and into the air. Identifying mushrooms and their fungi partners requires several different techniques and patience. A mushroom's color, size, shape, texture, odor and environment all affect its final identification. Before you eat any wild mushroom, familiarize yourself with the proper identification methods and possible dangers.

Things You'll Need

  • Camera
  • Notebook
  • Knife
  • Piece of white paper
  • Bowl
  • Mushroom identification book
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    • 1

      Take a picture of the mushroom and surrounding area with a good camera and make a note of its environment in a notebook. Some mushrooms prefer certain environmental conditions, helping you to identify the mushroom later.

    • 2

      Note as many characteristics about the mushroom as you can, including the color, texture and any any information on the mushroom's cap, stalk and gills.

    • 3

      Pick several samples of the mushroom by pulling it up from the ground, being careful get the root structure and not break any part of the stalk.

    • 4

      Cut the mushroom lengthwise down the middle with a knife to get a cross-section view of it. Note the shape, size and color of the gills and their relationship to the mushroom cap and stalk. For example, consider if the gills are connected to the stalk or if the cap curls in toward the stalk.

    • 5

      Cut the cap off another sample and place it gill side down on a sheet of white paper or plastic wrap. Place a bowl over the mushroom and leave it overnight. In the morning, remove the bowl and mushroom to reveal a spore print. Note the color and pattern of the spore print.

    • 6

      Smell the mushroom and record and distinct odors. Some mushrooms have easily recognizable smells that can help you identify them.

    • 7

      Take all your information and compare it to a legitimate mushroom and fungus identification guide, such as that produced by the National Audubon Society. If even one characteristic of your mushroom does not match the information in the guide, do not eat the mushroom as it may be a slightly different species.

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