Changes in Our Food Supply
Bees make about 60,000 flights to collect enough nectar for 1 tsp. of honey. As bees die, there is a decrease in the supply of honey, and a correlated increase in honey prices. While seeking nectar, bees pollinate many plants, thereby contributing to plants' fertilization, seed production and plant survival to the next generation. Many of the fruits and vegetables we eat rely on such pollination. Watermelon, lemon, soybean, tomato, cranberry and vanilla are among the items in the long list of foods that will not be available to us without pollinator bees.
Changes in Animals' Food Supply
Bees are such crucial players in the food chain that many animals will suffer by bee deaths. Lizards, spiders, birds and some insects eat bees. Bees pollinate plants that other animals eat. Berries, seeds and fruits are essential for birds, and therefore are also essential for the animals who eat birds. Bees pollinate clover and alfalfa, which supply protein to cows' diets. If cows lose this food supply, people will not have cheese, milk and beef. In fact, some scientist estimate that after removing foods that bees directly or indirectly effect, our food supply will consist of only breads and oats.
Effects on Personal and Household Products
Many of the products we use on daily basis would be unavailable without the hard work of bees. Bees pollinate cotton, so without bees we will not have products made of cotton such as clothes, sheets or towels. Bees make wax from abdominal glands and use the wax to build honeycomb cells for storage and for their young. People use beeswax in many beauty products, including lipsticks, lotions and deodorants. Beeswax is also an important component of boot and floor wax, candles, paints and inks. Bees also make propolis by combining resin from trees and wax. They use propolis as structural support in the beehive. People use propolis in medicines for its antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. People also use honey regularly as a cough suppressant.
Be a Bee Helper
To help these remarkable beings, educate yourself and others about the life of bees. Host a screening of a movie about bees, such as "Queen of the Sun." Plant flowers and herbs for bees to frequent. Plant flowers in gardens, window planters, rooftops and lawns. Encourage your work place or school to do the same. Do not use any chemicals on or around these flowers. Consult an organic gardening center for products you can use in your garden that will not effect bees. Let weeds and wildflowers grow. These wild areas are a fantastic natural place for bees to forage. Write to your congress person and senator. Demand legislation that will ban pesticides which kill bees.