Things You'll Need
Obtain a crab pot from a local tackle shop; inquire about your state's fishing regulations concerning crabs. Some states require a special permit. Other states allow a certain number of pots per person without a license. Purchase a permit, if needed.
Find a suitable location to place your crab pot. Most species of crab trapped by amateurs -- such as the blue crab --, prefer shallow, inshore waters such as salt marshes. Look for a spot that allows your trap to stay submerged at low tide. Flowing water must pass through the trap to carry the scent of the bait.
Attach a marker buoy to your pot; this allows you to locate it later. Mark the trap with your name and information, as required by local law.
Bait your trap with herring, chicken necks or chicken innards. The scent of oily baits carries far in salt water, making your pot more likely to attract crabs.
Check your trap every day. Empty the trap, shaking the crabs into a basket or cooler of ice. Move the trap every week -- even if it still produces well -- to avoid overfishing an area. Replace your bait as needed.