Carp are among the largest of minnows, with species such as the common carp growing to weigh as much as 60 lbs. In Illinois, silver carp and grass carp are present, but no carp is a true native to the state. Carp are introduced minnows, with the common carp coming from Europe and the silver and grass carp of Asiatic origins. Carp inhabit the rivers, lakes, streams, reservoirs and other watery venues of Illinois. Carp are bottom-feeding species, aided by fleshy barbels near their mouth that detect anything edible as they feed. Carp are long-lived minnows; common carp have life spans as long as 15 years, according to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
Dace are a type of minnow represented in Illinois by such species as the southern redbelly dace, blacknose dace, finescale dace and the longnose dace. These minnows grow between 3 and 7 inches in length, according to the "National Audubon Society Field Guide to Fishes." The blacknose dace, for example, attains lengths of 3 inches, while the longnose dace matures to around 7 inches long. Fish that greatly prefer flowing water, blacknose and longnose dace in Illinois inhabit quick-running streams. The southern redbelly dace lives in smaller creeks and in pools away from main current, while the finescale dace calls ponds, lakes and slow rivers its home.
The creek chub is a minnow often employed by anglers as bait for bigger fish; it is common throughout Illinois and one of many chubs in state waters. Other chub types include the bigeye, hornyhead, silver and speckled chubs. Chubs have varied diets, with aquatic bugs, crustaceans, algae, snails and smaller fish on their menus. Some chubs, such as the creek chub and the hornyhead variety, grow to 9 to 10 inches. Chubs inhabit different waterways, depending upon their species, in Illinois. For example, the creek chub lives in ponds and lakes, as well as the deep pools of rivers and streams.
Among the assorted types of shiners living in Illinois are the common shiner, pallid shiner, red shiner, striped shiner, redfin shiner, golden shiner and spotfin shiner. Most of these are small minnows, in the range of 3 to 4 inches long, but the golden shiner is an exception, growing to a foot in length. Shiners are denizens of the rivers and streams throughout Illinois, with many types living in schools. Shiners are an important baitfish for anglers and a staple of the diet of many larger fish species.