How Are Plants Determined to be at Risk?
In 1997, an organization called COSEWIC was formed to survey the risk to Canadian wildlife species. They use "the best available scientific, community and Aboriginal knowledge to evaluate risk of extinction,"according to a statement on the group's website. COSEWIC complies comprehensive status reports on each species, which are available to the public on its website.
Implementation of the Species at Risk Act
The three Canadian authorities responsible for implementing SARA are Environment Canada, the Parks Canada Agency, and Fisheries and Canada Oceans. The laws appear sound, but the nonprofit organization Nature Canada warns that "key weaknesses in the Act's implementation have left many plant and animal species at continued risk of extinction."
Why Does a Plant Species Become "at Risk"?
Threats to Canadian plant life include loss of habitat through human development, the encroachment of invasive species, logging, mining, agriculture and pollution.
How to Help Species at Risk
The Canadian government helps protect plant biodiversity by legislating for green laws, creating parks and preserves, and funding organizations that evaluate species at risk. Canadian individuals can help by educating themselves on the threats to biodiversity, donating to non-profit conservation organizations that lobby for conservation, supporting local businesses that make efforts to protect the environment and making "green" lifestyle choices.