Locate a recycling facility near you that accepts Styrofoam cubes. Not all recycling facilities take foam cubes, and some that do require you to pay them to accept the Styrofoam. Several facilities that use mail-in programs so you can mail your recyclables for free. Go to and use the searching tool at the top of the homepage to find a facility near you that accepts Styrofoam.
Consult the list of foam recyclers provided by the Alliance of Foam Packaging Recyclers (see Resources). The list offers drop-off sites for expanded polystyrene (EPS) materials.
Follow recycling guidelines. Most recycling facilities require Styrofoam to be clean, white cubes or blocks. Foam contaminated by food or liquid will not be accepted.
Drop off your foam cubes at the nearest recycling facility that accepts Styrofoam. Taking several trips for small amounts of cubes is inconvenient, so collecting your Styrofoam cubes for a while before taking one trip to the recycling facility to drop them off is easier and better for the environment.