Turn on your satellite signal meter, GPS, satellite phone or other electronic device. You will need to be standing still while turning the device on so that it can accurately locate and interface with the satellites that are available. Depending on the type of device that you use, it may take a few minutes in order to connect with the satellite system. Typically, most devices will have a "searching" indication and another indication telling you that they have connected with the satellites. Raise the antenna on your satellite-empowered device if it is equipped with one.
View the satellite reception indicator on the device, which is usually measured similar to the bars on a standard cell phone. If you only have one or two bars, then you may need to move to a location with better service for a clearer signal. While standing still, watch the reception indicator bars for fluctuations in service. It is common with satellite-enabled devices to fluctuate two or three bars within seconds or minutes if the signal is not strong enough.
Walk to a location that is higher or more open if you do not get a good satellite reception signal at first. Typically, the higher the elevation, the clearer the satellite signal due to vegetation and tree canopies that are more sparse. If you can find an open field, you will usually get a better signal as well.
Check your satellite signal strength whenever you arrive at your camping location. If it is important for you or your group to have good satellite coverage at your location, then you may need to find an alternative location or scout around your campground for an area where you are more confident in the ability of the satellite signal meter on your device to indicate a better reception of satellite service.