Things You'll Need
Dig a hole deep enough to hold a 10-gallon garbage can. Place the can in the hole. Pour 1 gallon of hardwood ashes into the garbage can, along with 2 gallons of household lime and 5 gallons of water. Stir until the mixture is consistent.
Place the deer hide in the garbage can so it is fully submerged. Place a top on the 10-gallon and cover it with dirt, marking where you buried it. This will keep sunlight from hitting the hide while the lye is removing the hair. It will also prevent scavengers from digging up the hide.
Stir the mixture two or three times a day. Allow the hide to soak for at least two days but, no more then three. Remove the hide and wash it with cold water.
Use the back of a knife blade to remove the remaining hair. Rinse the hide with cold, clean water and allow to dry.