Saltwater marshes are usually found near estuaries and coastlines. Their salinity varies and can be as great as ocean water or almost zero. The soil is often very soft and frequently has high concentrations of sulfur.
Many plants, shrubs, and trees, such as mangroves, thrive in saltwater marshes. Plants, like the spartina, decay and provide food for the other plants and numerous bacteria and microorganisms.
Many fish and invertebrates such as crabs, shrimp, and snails live in saltwater marshes. Wading birds, like the heron, eat both the fish and invertebrates, and songbirds, like the red-wing black bird, eat the multitudes of insects which thrive in the marshes. Reptiles, like snakes and turtles, can also be found in most of these ecosystems, but alligators live only in low-salinity marshes.