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Ideas to Stop Global Warming

Governments worldwide have been working on ways to stop global warming and on ways to keep it from getting worse. But the wheels of government bureaucracies and international cooperation tend to turn slowly. There are plenty of smaller scale approaches for individuals to help stop global warming in the meantime. These methods include simple lifestyle changes at home and at work, while shopping, and while driving, as well as a few community-wide ideas.
  1. At Home

    • Swap incandescent light bulbs for energy efficient fluorescent bulbs and replace old appliances with green ones. Invest in a programmable thermostat then adjust temperatures two degrees warmer or colder while at home and 5-10 degrees up or down when everyone is out. Improve household appliance energy usage by moving refrigerators away from ovens, keeping air filters clean, and keeping appliances and computers turned off or unplugged when not in use. Reduce heat and AC loss by installing double-paned windows, repairing door and window insulation, and keeping chimney flues closed when not in use. Reduce water usage by taking showers instead of baths and only washing clothes and dishes when there's a full load.

    At Work

    • Work energy reductions can include cutting waste by going paperless when possible and using recycled paper products. Telecommuting reduces the number of people in a building, thereby shrinking the air conditioning and heating usage as well as electricity bills.

    In a Car

    • Decrease the number of miles driven by choosing forms of transportation that use no gas (e.g., biking, walking, telecommuting) or by choosing more cost-effective transportation (e.g., mass transit, carpooling, car sharing). Trim gas usage by keeping cars tuned-up, maintaining tire pressure, and not idling unnecessarily.

    While Shopping

    • Cut shopping costs and energy by insisting on products with minimal or no packaging as well as purchasing refills whenever possible. Champion local farmers by partaking of farmers markets. Purchase fresh foods rather than frozen, eat organic foods when possible, and consume less meat.

    For the Community and the World

    • Improve the environment by planting trees as well as contributing to efforts for protecting the world's forests. Support community efforts to replace coal, oil, and natural gas with renewable energy. Quit disposing of non-biodegradable products (plastic water bottles) and promote the more environmentally friendly measures of reducing, reusing, and recycling.

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