Things You'll Need
Wash out a large plastic vase or bucket with antibacterial soap and water. Rinse the plastic container thoroughly with water to ensure any residue is removed and set it aside for later use.
Cut 1/2 to 1 in. off the bottom of each flower's stem with a sharp knife. Cut the flower's stem at an angle under running cool water in order to allow the stem to draw up the optimum amount of water and deliver it to the bloom.
Fill the plastic container a third full with cool water. Add 4 oz. of clear soda, such as Sprite and 2 tbsp. liquid bleach.
Place the flowers in the bucket. The stem and leaves of the flower should be submerged. The bloom should be above the waterline.
Set the bucket and flowers in a cool room, such as a basement or an air conditioned room. Allow the bucket to remain in this room for at least one hour.
Remove the flowers from the bucket and arrange them as desired. Recutting the flower's stems is not necessary as they are already well hydrated.