Things You'll Need
Read informational mushroom books or browse the Ohio State University Fact Sheet to increase your knowledge of wild mushrooms in Ohio and to discover the specific type or species of wild mushroom you want to find. According to the Missouri Mycological Society, you can find certain mushroom species in lawns, roadsides or wood chips, yet you can locate other mushroom species on living trees or dead wood in a forest.
Visit abandoned orchards, forests and woodland areas in Ohio. According to the Ohio Outdoorsman, mushroom hunting is permitted at all 20 state forests in Ohio. The woodlands in the eastern-based state forests, such as the Shade River State Forest and Fernwood State Forest, offer some of the best wild mushroom hunting opportunities.
Look for wild mushrooms under forest debris and leaves and on or near certain trees. Wild mushrooms thrive under the cover of leaves and forest debris. You can also find them on ash and elm trees or on rotten or dead trees.
Join a mushroom club, such as the Ohio Mushroom Society, to find wild mushrooms in Ohio. Club membership entails informational newsletters, meetings and frequent field trips with experts to hunt for wild mushrooms. Visit the club's website online to join the organization or to locate its contact information.