On the coast and beneath the ice shelf, phytoplankton and krill navigate the frigid waters. The sea is teeming with fish, including the recently rediscovered Gosztonyia Antarctica, a foot-long fish that swims at depths of 2,000 feet. It is just one of more than 240 species of fish in the area, according to
Aviary Species
Antarctica is home to five major species of penguins, including the popular emperor penguins. They rest in the middle of the food chain, feeding on fish and krill while being a favorite meal of killer whales and leopard seals. Albatrosses, skuas and various species of petrels patrol the skies while feeding mainly on eggs and marine life.
Some of the largest mammals in the world are native to Antarctica, including blue whales, orca whales, sperm whales and right whales, among others. Many of these species were nearly hunted to extinction, but thanks to the International Whaling Commission, the entire continent was declared a whale sanctuary.