Things You'll Need
Mix the oil and water together in the bowl and draw the liquid up into the eye dropper. This lubricant helps to reduce friction and heat while you drill.
Place your shell into the vise grip and tighten it so that it is securely held. Avoid tightening too much, as this pressure can cause the shell to snap and break.
Attach your cutting disc to the drilling tool. Plug the drill into an outlet.
Wear your safety goggles, gloves and mask. Shell dust can be very irritating to the eyes and lungs.
Start the drill and turn it up to high speed. High speeds work best for fragile materials.
Add one or two drops of lubricant to the shell's surface.
Press the disc into the shell using a light and even pressure. Do not press too hard on the shell because doing so can break it.
Add lubricant as needed. You want the surface to remain lubricated as you cut. Avoid cutting the shell dry.
Remove the shell from the vise grip and wipe the surface clean using your cloth.