Annual Rainfall
The average annual rainfall in the oak-prairie region is between 32 and 40 inches per year.
Monthly Rainfall
The driest season in the area is late spring or early winter, while the wettest season is summer. Houston, which is located in the wetter part of the Oak-Prairie region, receives an average of 2.98 inches of precipitation in February, making it the driest month. June is the wettest month, with an average of 5.35 inches of rain. Galveston's driest month is April, with 2.56 inches of rain, and its wettest is September with 5.76 inches. On average, Houston has 109 days without rain per year, while Galveston has 96 days without rain.
Record Years
The record for yearly rainfall in Houston is 83.02 inches, set in 1979. The record in Galveston is 65.57 inches, which was set in 1997.