In Africa
Duck grass is most commonly found in the African Horn region of North Africa, where its seeds are consumed by quails and other bird species such as gray partridge, skylark corn bunting and yellow wagtail. The grass-like plant is also on the food chain of zebras, antelopes and several other large, grazing animals of East Africa.
Human Food
Duck grass can also serve as a wild food for human populations in parts of east Africa and western Asia. In Africa, duck grass is a famine food that produces an abundant and edible seed crop even in dry years. In India traditional health practitioners have long valued and cultivated the grassy plant for its medicinal values.
Livestock Fodder
In a few places in the world the seedy ground plant is used as animal fodder. Again, India plays heavy in this type of usage, for occasionally horses and cattle are fed the tips of the plant after it has gone to seed.