Oregon Truffles
A number of kinds of truffles of different genera grow in the Pacific Northwest. They include the Oregon black truffle, a member of the so-called smooth-spored truffle group and the Oregon white truffle, a "true" truffle that is one of the most sought-after in the region.
Ecological Indicators
According to the book, "Mushrooms Demystified," Oregon white truffles often grow associated with Douglas firs, a common conifer in the coastal Northwest, and particularly with trees between 8 and 65 years old. Truffles typically are found within or at the edge of conifer tracts.
Hunting Tips
Compared with terrestrial mushrooms, truffles can be difficult for to locate. Look for holes in the ground where animals like Western gray squirrels -- better equipped to detect underground delicacies -- may have been excavating truffles. Always make sure truffle-hunting is allowed on whatever piece of land you're eyeing and check for any regulations in terms of harvest amount and tools employed.