The rivers of the Kola Peninsula, Northwest Russia, have runs of Atlantic salmon and sea-trout. Brown trout are also resident. The Kamchatka Peninsula's rivers, in Russia's far east, have runs of all five species of Pacific salmon, and resident populations of rainbow trout.
The rivers of the Kola Peninsula have some of the world's largest runs of Atlantic salmon. Prolific rivers include the Varzuga, Pana, Kharlovka and Ponoi. On the Kamchatka Peninsula, the rivers Opala and Kolpakova are productive.
When to Travel
The Kola Peninsula has runs of Atlantic salmon from June until September. On the Kamchatka Peninsula rivers, king salmon can be caught from June to July. On the Opala river, silver salmon are present August to September. Chum are prolific July to August. The Kolpakova river has runs of red salmon from July to September and silver from August to October. Rainbow trout are present June to October.