Koi naturally eat insects, small worms, tadpoles and pond weeds. They also thrive on commercial foods that contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Treats the fish enjoy include lettuce, oranges, lemons, watermelon, shelled peas and small pieces of brown bread.
Feeding by Weight
Koi under 8 inches long should eat about 5 percent of their body weight per feeding, and larger koi should eat about 2 percent. An easier way to estimate proper feeding amount is not to give them more food than they can consume in five minutes, according to Koi Fish Pond Keeping.com.
Commercial food comes in both floating and sinking forms. It's best to feed a group of different-size fish smaller pellets which all of them can eat easily, according to Koi Fish Information.com. It's important not to overfeed koi, and regularly scheduled feedings are best.