Sassafras is a sturdy tree that can grow up to 100 feet. A mature tree can have a trunk diameter of up to six feet. The leaves change as trees mature. Young leaves look like mittens, whereas older leaves round out and lose the "thumb" piece.
Taste and Uses
Sassafras has been used to flavor root beer in the past. People used to drink sassafras tea to help with an upset stomach. The essential oil from the tree was also used in perfumes. Sassafras is not as widely used anymore due to health concerns posed by the FDA.
The FDA warns that the essential oil found in the bark has been shown to contain safrole, a toxic chemical. The FDA has since banned the use of sassafras as a food additive because safrole is a carcinogen. Safrole is also used in the production of the street drug known as "ecstasy"; therefore, the sale of it is monitored by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). According to the DEA, safrole distributors must be registered with the organization and report sales transactions.