Effects of Saltwater on the Pontoons
One thing to consider when purchasing a pontoon boat for use in saltwater is the corrosive effect salt can have on various materials. Because the pontoons spend all of their maritime careers half or fully immersed, salt can take its toll on materials such as aluminum, which corrodes easily. For this reason, it is important to consider pontoons made out of other material such as fiberglass or even a very heavy rubber. Both materials are more resistant to the corrosive effects of saltwater.
It is important also to consider for what purposes the boat will be used when trying to select a size. Some boats will simply be used for family cruises or fishing ventures and won't need to be as large as boats intended to accommodate larger numbers of people for social gatherings.
Pontoon boats can be ordered that have an approximate length of 30 feet and a width of approximately 9 feet. Because saltwater bodies of water are usually those that have some tidal component, purchasing a boat with greater length and width may afford greater stability.
The motor is another consideration that takes on even greater importance for saltwater boats than it does for those used in fresh water. Like all other parts of the boat that come into contact with the water for extended periods, motors are also subject to the corrosive effects of the briny water. Therefore a motor should be selected that is specifically designed for saltwater use. In addition, the motor should be hosed off and wiped down with fresh water regularly to prolong the life of its metal components.
Pontoon boats can be pricey. One site, Suntracker Boats, offers boats ranging from as much as $25,000 to $40,000, depending on size and features. There are many sites dedicated to pontoon-boat resale. Buying a previously owned boat can help control the cost, and the sturdy construction of this style boat makes buying used a reasonable alternative.