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Where to Find Morel Mushrooms in the Woods

Morels grow on the forest floor in early spring. With elongated caps reminiscent of coral or sponge, morels are possibly the most sought after and most easily identified North American mushroom. They can be distinguished from toxic false morels by their hollow stems and caps.
  1. Geography

    • Morels grow in deciduous hardwood forests, mainly in regions east of Oklahoma City and north of Atlanta, though they are found outside this region. Timing varies with location, but in most states seek morels between early April and mid-May. Crouch low and look for the distinctive caps appearing through the dead leaves beneath trees.

    Geology, Climate and Weather

    • Morels require a damp climate and moist but well-drained soil, appearing after rain. It's tough to know exactly where to look since they take five years to grow and can appear wherever winds blew spores five years earlier. Seek damp, sandy sites and if you find one morel, consider likely wind patterns to locate others.


    • Learn to identify nearby trees. While black morels are less predictable, white morels often favor large sycamore, ash, elm, tulip poplar or maple trees. Old apple orchards are another likely site. The presence of favored trees--especially rotting trees--can shorten the five-year cycle, occasionally producing morels in the same location in successive years.

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