EcoKids Errand Run is a website that helps children learn about science and the effects that everyday life has on the ecosystem. The site offers a number of games and activities such as "Errand Run," which shows the effects daily car pollution has on climate change. The goal of the game is to complete as many errands as possible by using alternate forms of transportation to cause less pollution.
Endango is a board game designed for two to four players. The goal of Endango is to make environmentally conscious decisions in order to help protect endangered animals and their natural habitats. Endango also gives "green friendly" tips to players and challenges them with an array of questions about animals and the ecosystem.
As of September 2010, Endango sells for $24.99 on
Smokey the Bear's River Rage
Smokey the Bear is a popular character associated with forest fire awareness and prevention. His website offers games in its children section. In "River Rage," players must help a park ranger navigate across a river without disturbing various wildlife in order to put out a forest fire.