Black-handed Spider Monkey
The Black-handed Spider Monkey, also known as Geoffroy's Spider Monkey, is found in small numbers throughout Central America, including Nicaragua. It has become endangered largely due to human activities. According to the Arkive website, this species of spider monkey "has suffered from habitat destruction through deforestation and conversion to agricultural lands." It is also hunted for food and captured commercially for the Central American pet trade.
White-headed Capuchin
The White-headed Capuchin is a small monkey found in the forests of Nicaragua. Its level of endangerment is low thanks to its environmental adaptability, but destruction of its natural habitat does pose a significant threat.
The Jaguarundi is a small wildcat that roams throughout Nicaragua as well as other parts of Central and South America. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species classifies the Jaguarundi as of "least concern," but the website also states that it is "less abundant than previously perceived and needs to be monitored in the future." Habitat destruction is the greatest threat to the Jaguarundi. It is also hunted by humans for its fur.
Baird's Tapir
Baird's Tapir is an endangered species of tapir native to Nicaragua and other parts of Central America. Daniel M. Brooks, author of "Tapirs: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan," states that officials from the IRENA, the Nicaraguan environmental institute, "estimate that approximately 1000 animals can still be found within the protected areas of Nicaragua."
Honduran White Bat
The Honduran White Bat is found in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. It is a very small species of bat with a distinctive white coat and bright orange face, ears and wings. According to the Rainforest Alliance website, it lives under the leaves of heliconia plants. "For this species to survive, rainforests in the Central American lowlands that have heliconia must remain standing," says the Rainforest Alliance.
Sea Turtles
According to, there are seven species of sea turtles in existence, five of which can be found in Nicaragua. These turtles are hunted by humans for their meat and their shells. Despite being protected, their numbers continue to dwindle. The Green Turtle, Loggerhead Turtle and Olive Ridley Turtle are all classified as endangered, while the Leatherback and Hawksbill turtles are considered critically endangered.