Effects of Soil Types
Soil particles are classified by size: sand particles are the largest, silts are an intermediate size, and clays are the smallest. Generally, soils with larger particles have more pore space, and thus a greater percentage of air. (references 4)
Effects of Water
Soil pore space contains both air and water. The total amount of pore space doesn't change, but after rain, pore space will have a higher percentage of water in relation to air. Once the soil dries out, the percentage of air will rise.
Ideal Conditions
Soil pore space typically ranges between 35 and 55 percent. An ideal soil for plant growth is about 50 percent pore space, with 25% of the pore space being filled with air and 25 percent with water. Loam soils--those composed of a mixture of sand, silt and clay--are often best for maintaining this balance.